Wednesday, January 28, 2009

VP Superbowl Partay

This coming sunday, be there or be square.

WHERE: 4770 Massey Lane (Ron Starra's pad).

WHAT: Superbowl Monster Bash

WHEN: Before 6 pm so as not to miss kick-off.

SHOULD I BRING ANYTHING?: Feel free to bring a
dessert, drink or salad. Pizza will be supplied.

CAN I GET A RIDE?: You bet your ass, you can.
Email if you need a ride
and we can hook something up.

CAN I BRING BEER?: Only if you are legal to
drink it in Ontario.

The main point of this night is just to allow more
social stuff to happen with our community. Feel free
to bring anyone else who might be interested to chill
and meet some new folks. Even if you're not into
football AT ALL - please just come and hang. There
will be many who aren't super-hyped about the battle
of the pigskin.

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